var products = []; products[202] = ["Adrenal Fatigue Test + Cortisol Saliva Test", 239.99, "Express Health Update", "Adrenal Fatigue TestAn Adrenal Fatigue Test assesses the body's response to stress by measuring cortisol and DHEA levels. Cortisol, a vital stress hormone, plays a crucial role in the body's ability to manage and adapt to stressors. This test involves using kits that facilitate saliva sample collection at various times during the day to measure cortisol and DHEA levels.

Cortisol Saliva TestThe cortisol saliva test is a form of adrenal stress assessment designed to measure cortisol levels present in saliva. This specific test involves the collection of multiple saliva samples at different points throughout the day, typically in the morning, afternoon, and evening. By doing so, this test offers valuable insights into an individual's cortisol patterns and how they may be impacted by various stressors and other factors throughout the day.", "", "By placing an order with us you will be charged £ __prc__ + £0.00 for S&H for One Time for __prdname__ of Express Health Update. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of __prdname__ of Express Health Update at any time, please call 855-547-0698 or email, Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm EST. You will receive your package within 2-5 business days of payment via USPS First Class Mail. I agree that my credit card charge will appear as Express Health Update.", "" ] ; products[203] = ["Female Hormone Health Check", 149.9, "Express Health Update", "A female hormone health check is a diagnostic test aimed at evaluating the hormone levels in a woman's body. Hormones play a crucial role in various physiological functions, and imbalances can contribute to a range of symptoms and health issues. These may include irregular menstrual cycles, fertility challenges, mood fluctuations, weight fluctuations, and more. This comprehensive assessment provides valuable information to healthcare professionals, aiding in the identification and management of hormonal imbalances for better overall female health.", "", "By placing an order with us you will be charged £ __prc__ + £0.00 for S&H for One Time for __prdname__ of Express Health Update. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of __prdname__ of Express Health Update at any time, please call 855-547-0698 or email, Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm EST. You will receive your package within 2-5 business days of payment via USPS First Class Mail. I agree that my credit card charge will appear as Express Health Update.", "" ] ; products[204] = ["Male Hormone Health Check", 114.8, "Express Health Update", "A male hormone health check is a diagnostic assessment designed to measure the levels of key hormones in the male body. The Male Hormone Health Check involves the collection of a single saliva sample to measure important hormones including Progesterone, Estradiol, DHEA, Cortisol, and Testosterone. This comprehensive evaluation assists healthcare professionals in understanding and addressing potential hormonal imbalances, contributing to better overall male health.", "", "By placing an order with us you will be charged £ __prc__ + £0.00 for S&H for One Time for __prdname__ of Express Health Update. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of __prdname__ of Express Health Update at any time, please call 855-547-0698 or email, Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm EST. You will receive your package within 2-5 business days of payment via USPS First Class Mail. I agree that my credit card charge will appear as Express Health Update.", "" ] ; products[205] = ["Leaky Gut Complete", 119.99, "Express Health Update", "Leaky Gut Complete is a diagnostic test designed to assess the condition known as leaky gut syndrome, where the intestinal mucosa becomes more permeable, allowing the passage of substances such as toxins, undigested food particles, and bacteria into the bloodstream. The Leaky Gut Complete Test offers a comprehensive examination of the intestine, utilizing a stool sample. The analysis covers various aspects, including Candida and mold presence, bacterial balance in the intestinal flora, levels of Secretory IgA (indicative of gut mucosal immunology), and Zonulin value.", "", "By placing an order with us you will be charged £ __prc__ + £0.00 for S&H for One Time for __prdname__ of Express Health Update. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of __prdname__ of Express Health Update at any time, please call 855-547-0698 or email, Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm EST. You will receive your package within 2-5 business days of payment via USPS First Class Mail. I agree that my credit card charge will appear as Express Health Update.", "" ] ; products[206] = ["Gut Flora & Biome Analysis", 64.8, "Express Health Update", "A Gut Flora and Biome Analysis offer valuable insights into the diversity and abundance of various microorganisms residing in the gut. This analysis examines the presence of both potentially beneficial and harmful species, including Candida and mold, as well as imbalances in beneficial bacteria. By assessing the composition of an individual's gut microbiome, this test provides a comprehensive understanding of the microbial community in the digestive system.", "", "By placing an order with us you will be charged £ __prc__ + £0.00 for S&H for One Time for __prdname__ of Express Health Update. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of __prdname__ of Express Health Update at any time, please call 855-547-0698 or email, Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm EST. You will receive your package within 2-5 business days of payment via USPS First Class Mail. I agree that my credit card charge will appear as Express Health Update.", "" ] ; products[207] = ["Cortisol Saliva Test", 49.99, "Express Health Update", "The cortisol saliva test is a form of adrenal stress assessment designed to measure cortisol levels present in saliva. This specific test involves the collection of multiple saliva samples at different points throughout the day, typically in the morning, afternoon, and evening. By doing so, this test offers valuable insights into an individual's cortisol patterns and how they may be impacted by various stressors and other factors throughout the day.", "", "By placing an order with us you will be charged £ __prc__ + £0.00 for S&H for One Time for Express Health Update __prdname__. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of Express Health Update __prdname__ at any time, please call 855-547-0698 or email, Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm EST. You will receive your package within 2-5 business days of payment via USPS First Class Mail. I agree that my credit card charge will appear as Express Health Update.", "" ] ; products[208] = ["Cholesterol Test", 27.8, "Express Health Update", "Express Health Update introduces a non-habit forming CBD formulation enhanced with the potency of high-quality hemp extracts for maximum benefits, available in the form of easy-to-use chewable gummies, with unique therapeutic properties for targeted benefits.", "", "By placing an order with us you will be charged £ __prc__ + £0.00 for S&H for One Time for Express Health Update __prdname__. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of Express Health Update __prdname__ at any time, please call 855-547-0698 or email, Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm EST. You will receive your package within 2-5 business days of payment via USPS First Class Mail. I agree that my credit card charge will appear as Express Health Update.", "" ] ; products[209] = ["Indoor Allergen Test", 19.99, "Express Health Update", "The Skin Tag Remover is easy to use, safe, and affordable formula to eradicate unsightly skin tags safely within the comfort of your own home. Achieve complete removal of skin tags with just one treatment, ensuring privacy and convenience.", "", "By placing an order with us you will be charged £ __prc__ + £0.00 for S&H for One Time for Express Health Update __prdname__. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of Express Health Update __prdname__ at any time, please call 855-547-0698 or email, Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm EST. You will receive your package within 2-5 business days of payment via USPS First Class Mail. I agree that my credit card charge will appear as Express Health Update.", "" ] ; products[201] = ["Alcohol Prep Pads (100 Pack)", 1.74, "Express Health Update", "Alcohol prep pads are commonly used to clean and sterilize skin prior to an injection or medical procedure. This pack of 100 alcohol prep pads can be useful for individuals who need to frequently clean and sanitize their skin before injections, finger pricks, or other medical procedures. They can also be used to clean and sanitize small surfaces, such as keyboards or phones. These pads are treated with Isopropyl Alcohol as active ingredient that promotes increased sterile environment.", "", "By placing an order with us you will be charged £ __prc__ + £0.00 for S&H for One Time for Express Health Update __prdname__. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase of Express Health Update __prdname__ at any time, please call 855-547-0698 or email, Monday-Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm EST. You will receive your package within 2-5 business days of payment via USPS First Class Mail. I agree that my credit card charge will appear as Express Health Update.", "" ] ; console.log(products); var orderedItems = []; var orderedTotQty = 0; var maxQty = 10; var shipRates = false; var handling = 0; var carturl = "cart.php"; // Function to check item exists in cart var checkItemExists = function(itemId) { var order = $.cookie('order'); if (!order) { return false; } else { var itemExists = false; var items = order.split("|"); order = ""; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i = i + 1) { var position = items[i].indexOf("-"); var prodId = items[i].substring(0, position); var quantity = parseInt(items[i].substring(position + 1)); if (order != "") { order += "|"; } if (prodId == itemId) { return true; } } } return false; } //Funtion adds Items to Cart var addItem = function(itemId, Qty, showFullCart) { if (typeof showFullCart === "undefined") { showFullCart = false; } orderedTotQty = $.cookie('orderedTotQty'); if (!orderedTotQty) { orderedTotQty = 0; } Qty = parseInt(Qty); if(Qty > maxQty) { alert("Maximum " + maxQty + " of this product can be selected in a single order"); 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Start Purchasing Now

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£" + sub_total.toFixed(2) + "
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